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Poster updated 09/03/2021, America’s cup Edition
A while ago on the island of Seuraasari, Finland, I met an artist craftsman building ships in the bottles. He asked me if I knew the trick… The answer is quite simple but the final result still smacks of magic and ancient sea legends…

Following the hype on the challenge Luna Rossa – New Zealand, we have updated the infographic “Wanna Sail: all sailing on a map”. The America’s Cup represents a huge step forward in the history of sailing. It was therefore inevitable to update the work with the model of the new AC75 hulls and the nomenclature of fundamental parts; and also a little history about the origins of the historic regatta. Added the mythical “Bottomless Wine Jug”, the coveted prize of the challenge, the Holy Grail of the seas.
Furthermore, as anticipated, an addition that has a charm that has its roots in seafaring culture and one of its coveted symbolic objects: how to put a ship in a bottle? Added quick illustrated instructions with the secret of an ancient and fascinating art and collectibles.
Finally we redesigned Aeolus the god of the winds and added historical references to his kingdom of origin in the myth: the Aeolian islands.