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Suzanne with fedora update

Our favorite monkey head wears a Fedora hat, celebrating the imminent return of a hero in a well-known game title.

This is a substantial update to the Blender infographic poster. It includes numerous fixes, improvements, new functions, and shortcut updates that came with Blender version 4.2.

The transform and viewport sections have been completely overhauled: they should now be much more intuitive and consistent with UI icons. Numpad keys and viewport manipulation are now integrated.

The fundamental relationship between the cursor and the origin is now much more comprehensible.

The texture baking process and tips have been added to the render section of the infographic.

This infographic poster is becoming very detailed; every time I update it, it’s very time-consuming, but still very useful for me. I hope it will continue to be useful for you and for newcomers as well.

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Blender 4 and geometry nodes

New Update for Blender 4: More Density, More Tips, More Shortcuts

Blender’s infographic poster has never been so dense and detailed! If you previously hated it, you might have even more reasons, but if you loved it, your appreciation is set to increase even further!

I’ve introduced a new section on geometry nodes with basic configurations. While it will require consistent further updates, it breaks new space for this awesome tool. Personally I found the new “tools mode”, a fantastic addition: you’re now able to make custon tools in Blender without writing a single line of code.

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Bonsai meaning headline

For quite some time, I’ve been eager to refine the headline to better capture the essence and authenticity of its Japanese roots. My aim was to infuse a more original Japanese aesthetic into the font style, and to incorporate the native pictogram for the word “Bonsai” in the poster’s title. The previous design felt overtly stereotypical and lacked originality.

With this in mind, I dedicated significant time and effort to re-envision and redesign the entire top section of the poster. My approach was deeply rooted in understanding and representing the philosophy and essence of bonsai. To complement this, I also incorporated a curated list that emphasizes the interconnected values between humans and nature, which I believe aptly embodies the true spirit of the Bonsai discipline.

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All the camera work on a single frame

Everything about photography in a single giant poster infographic. It’s the fourth artwork piece for my “Learn with a poster” serie; visual elements are inspired by ’70s newspapers, blueprints and camera manuals, with typographical screen patterns.

A long work of design, driven by a personal and professional passion for photography. As a technical discipline and evolution of artistic expression.

It’s a visual reference to theory and practical tips, with guidelines and personal notes collected during my personal professional experience on the field, scholar tips and notes, courses material, ideas and much more.

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Sailing poster July 2022 edition

Glad to present a new small but not so small update on the “All the Sailing on a Single Map” poster infographic. Every small update need recomposite lots of elements of the illustration, and it takes time.

Weather section redesigned: wind strength now also shows visually its scale with the windsock rings. Each ring indicates the wind velocity of 5 knots: So in this way 5 fully blown rings correspond approximately to a wind speed of 25 knots. Height of waves, maneuvers, navigation speed in knoths are interconnected and more readable in a linear scheme from left to right.

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Sailing poster ancestor

I found out something interesting today, and fascinating. Something which witnessed the fact that time pass but design universals returns.

I was contacted by a map collector, hunting for a treasure. He showed me a digital scan of an old lythography poster, from 1850, a map very similar to my work: “LWAP All the sailing in a single map”. It made me jump on the chair: it really looked like someone almost made the same artwork centuries ago.

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Blender poster 3.1 update

Suzanne with a pirate hat! I finally updated the shortcut infographic poster with new Blender 3.1 functions and shortcuts.

the knife angle constrain relative to screen or edge direction and the knife measure tool is my favourite update from Blender. Asset browser is finally the best way to organize and storing objects looking to reuse them across projects (waiting for collection id asset compatibility!).

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